Pay-As-You-Go Financing

Forget high upfront costs. Get solar installed today with a small down payment and pay as you go for as little as $0.15 per day. Complete your payment plan and enjoy free solar energy.
Our experienced Field Team is ready to help you find the right product and walk you through the pay-as-you-go process.
Sun King has you covered! From installing solar panels on your rooftop to setting up lighting fixtures in your home through to providing after-sales servicing and maintenance, our field teams will take care of all your needs while answering any questions you might have.
Making weekly payments is easy. You can pay via your mobile phone, your Field Team Agent, or in your local Sun King shop to enjoy uninterrupted solar power.

When you complete paying the instalments, the product is yours to keep. From that point on, you’ll have free and efficient power for years to come.

Why Choose Pay-As-You-Go Financing?

Flexible Payment Plans With Low Upfront Costs


a day in instalments (starting price) for solar home systems

Own And Upgrade Your Solar Product


million Sun King products bought with Pay As You Go

Cheaper Than the Grid, Kerosene, or Generators


billion in savings for customers

Better For You, Better For the Planet


million kerosene lanterns replaced

Book an Appointment Today

Connect with an experienced Sun King Field Agent to review your solar power options, either on the phone or at your home.

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